Sea Cliffs, Part II

Welcome to the second installment of our Sea Cliffs Hikes!  There are many incredible rock formations in and around Oahu and these are just a small preview of them.  Please keep in mind that these "cliffs" can be unstable (they're millions of years old!) and there is a potential "danger" factor when hiking in these areas.  For that reason, the Adventure Team would like to reiterate that we do not condone hiking in these areas and we are therefore not responsible for any death, injury or loss that results from going on these hikes.


  • Lower temperatures (60-70 degrees Fahrenheit)
    • Earlier morning, later afternoon (worst time would be around noon, when the sun is burning down on you)
    • More cloud cover (block the sun)
  • Weaker waves (less chance of you being washed/swept in the sea!)

Pictures of the Hike:

The ocean is incredibly blue.

The Rock Bridge, a frightening yet awe-inspiring child of nature.  It extends above a spitting death pool of water and rock (you wouldn't want to fall in).

We waited five minutes to see if the waves were too big for us to go on...

... We got our answer as a huge wave came and sprayed the entire bridge.  We decided that it wasn't safe enough to go on.  Maybe some other time then...

Another sea cliff area with rewarding views of Koko Head and Hanauma Bay.
WARNING: Rocks may become loose as you stand on them and as a result you may fall to your death (don't stand on the cliff edge!).

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