Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hiking Tips (from the Adventure Team)

Hiking is a great outdoor activity.  It can also be very dangerous so we suggest that you take precautionary steps before and during your hikes.

1. Tell other people where you are going and how long you expect to be.  This is a good habit to get into.  You can't predict the weather or freak accidents but you can at least give someone the heads up that you'll be gone.  If you're not back a couple hours after you estimated time of arrival, your friend, family member or whatever will be able to know that something isn't right.  If you need an example, watch the movie "127 Hours."

2. Check the weather before you go.  Many hikes on 'Oahu follow or cross streams in narrow valleys.  Check for heavy rain as this may lead to flash floods.  Rain can also make conditions on the trail nasty, even days after it has rained.  Always proceed with caution and be prepared for the worst (but hope for the best).

3. Follow clearly marked trails.  In other words, don't take "short cuts."  Short cuts cause erosion which can harm our environment here on 'Oahu and destroy our native plant life.  If in doubt, try to find a pink, orange or brightly colored ribbon that will tell you that you're on the trail.

4. Be respectful of residents near hikes.  Be quiet when walking through a residential area.  Try to not leave trash behind and if you see some, pick it up.  It's a good habit to leave the trail better than you found it.

Please note: While Adventure Team Hawaii gives these hiking tips, we do not encourage that anyone go on these hikes.  We offer these pieces of advice because they have been passed down to us from other hikers and we would like to share them with you.  These hikes can be dangerous and/or illegal.  Because we do not endorse any of these hikes and merely present them to our viewers for entertainment, Adventure Team Hawaii is not responsible for and damage, loss (including but not limited to injury and death), and fees incurred from doing these hikes.

Useful Hiking Items

- Covered shoes: You'll want shoes that fit comfortably especially if you plan on hiking for a couple hours.  Covered shoes will also give you more support however, we suggest that you use hiking, running or tennis shoes as opposed to skate shoes which are less sturdy. 

- Flashlights: You'll never know when you'll need a flashlight.  You could get lost in the forest or injured on the trail and could be there for hours in the dark so it is best to bring one just in case.  Also, if you're one that likes to hike early in the morning to catch the sunrise, a flashlight is hugely helpful (make sure that it is charged before you go!).

- Maps: Like a flashlight, you'll never know when you need one but it's always good to have a rough idea of where you are so that you can find your way when you're lost.  You don't need an expensive book with trail maps, you can simply print maps of the trail and of the island off of the internet (most trail maps are online).

- Towels: Even South Park knows this one, "Don't forget to bring a towel!" Many hikes on 'Oahu have waterfalls or streams that are really cool to swim in (and they're often times FREEZING cold) so bring a towel to dry off after a refreshing swim.

- Snacks and Water: Hiking is a physical activity so chances are you will get a bit hungry and/or thirsty on a hike.  Always bring a little bit more food or water than you think you'll need.  We recommend granola bars and apples (they go well together) for food. 

Monday, April 22, 2013


Aloha! Welcome to Adventure Team Hawai'i!  We love to hike and 'Oahu is one of the best places to do it.  We would love to share our adventures with you to help make your hiking experiences here on 'Oahu as positive as our experiences have been.  Whether you've lived here your whole life or you're here for only a few days, check out our blog for some of 'Oahu's finest hikes!